March 14, 2025
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Budget troubles spur pessimism


Amid all the talk about bailouts and megabucks deals for automakers, there’s been precious little talk about the small-business owners who create most of America’s jobs.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is to be congratulated for convening a small business summit that presented a host of suggestions for improving access to bidding on state projects and for getting more capital.

But bullet points are no substitute for re-invigorating the entrepreneurial spirit that’s always powered the America economy to the next level.

That takes, among other things, the courage to balance the state budget and the ability to instill confidence in the future.
So far we have gone from a special session to a declaration of fiscal emergency with no end to the budget impasse and very little to inspire working professionals to jump ship and strike out on their own.

Re-energizing the state’s entrepreneur class is key to the state’s future, and the sooner it happens the better off we all will be.



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