February 6, 2025
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Confirm Maldonado already


At press time, the California Legislature had not acted on one pressing piece of business that should be a no-brainer ­— the confirmation of Sen. Abel Maldonado as Lieutenant Governor.

Our position was made clear when the capable Santa Maria Republican was nominated last year to fill a seat that was vacated by termed-out John Garamendi, a Democrat who ran for an open seat in the House of Representatives.

We recommended Maldonado, not only because he was from the Central Coast, but because he represents the kind of give-and-take, moderate politics that leads to effective compromise and longer-term health for our economy.

There has got to be some ability for the Legislature to act along something other than rigid party lines if the fiscal crisis that’s put the state on the brink of insolvency can be managed with even a token amount of common sense.

Holding up Maldonado’s confirmation merely confirms that the legislature is determined to shove aside rational behavior and embrace the politics of self-absorption, self-aggrandizement and, ultimately, self-destruction.

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