February 23, 2025
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Dreaming of a new Old Town: Goleta looks to spruce up its downtown core


Goleta’s Old Town may soon get a new look, courtesy of City Hall. Business owners in the colorful but mismatched and rundown area of town, best known for its grocery stores and taquerías, may be able to give their storefronts a facelift and have the city foot the bill.

On July 20 the Goleta City Council asked the city Redevelopment Agency to look into the feasibility of adopting a block-by-block restoration program for Goleta, similar to a façade program in place in the city of Fontana.

Goleta’s façade program would come in addition to a proposed $24.3 million capacity improvement project for San Jose Creek and a major redesign of the city’s main thoroughfare, Hollister Avenue.

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