February 11, 2025
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Editorial: Funding higher education


UC Chancellor Mark Yudof, CSU System PresidentCharlie Reed and Community College chief Jack Scottare speaking with one voice on this year’s budget.

An all-cuts budget would take a huge bite from highereducation in addition to the $500 million in cuts each systemhas been asked to absorb for 2011-12.

We think that there are ways to reform our higher educationsystem to create more flexible work rules, to reducepension costs in the future and to have smarter and morestreamlined services.We’ve argued in favor of reforming redevelopment districtsand combining special districts.

But at some point there has to be a budget deal thatputs on the ballot an extension of at least some of the taxhikes Gov. Brown is seeking.

The stage has been set for a package that preservesCalifornia’s higher education future while reducing costsby hundreds of millions of dollars. Our three counties each depend on a viable higher education sector for directemployment, spinoff companies that create jobs and the training of our future workforce.

With the calendar turning to April, June 30 is justaround the corner. Now is the time to produce a workableCalifornia budget plan for the next two years.