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Dubroff: 10 things you never knew about the region’s Nobel Prize winners

By   /  Friday, October 10th, 2014  /  Columns, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Dubroff: 10 things you never knew about the region’s Nobel Prize winners

You can spot them in a tux at formal dinners or in casual attire on a plane to Denver or LAX. Occasionally you find them on a pre-Christmas shopping expedition to State Street. Sometimes they even give a private chat for an area nonprofit and, you might even exchange emails with one of them. The Read More →


The Nobel effect: UCSB laureates have a big impact on regional economy

By   /  Friday, October 10th, 2014  /  Latest news, Nonprofits, Small Business, South Coast, Subscriber content, Technology, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on The Nobel effect: UCSB laureates have a big impact on regional economy

The list of Nobel laureates at UCSB continues to grow and with it so do the number of tech company startups spun-out of the university.


Martin named technology editor

By   /  Friday, October 10th, 2014  /  Latest news, Technology  /  Comments Off on Martin named technology editor

Martin, who joined the region’s weekly business journal a year ago, moves over to a staff writer position from research director and special reports editor.


Channel Technologies buys Massacusetts defesnse firm

By   /  Thursday, October 9th, 2014  /  Latest news, South Coast, Technology  /  Comments Off on Channel Technologies buys Massacusetts defesnse firm

Santa Barbara-based military contractor Channel Technologies Group announced today that it has acquired Materials Systems Inc., a producer of sonar technology. The value of the deal was not disclosed. The Massachusetts-based firm will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Channel Technologies, which is owned by private equity group Blue Wolf Capital Partners. Both companies use Read More →


Shopping Center trades hands for $23.3M in Ventura

By   /  Wednesday, October 8th, 2014  /  Real Estate, West Ventura County  /  Comments Off on Shopping Center trades hands for $23.3M in Ventura

Sizable retail-based transactions keep popping up along the Highway 101 corridor. The latest of these is the Ventura Village Shopping Center in Ventura, which was recently sold to an undisclosed  private company for $23.3 million. The seller was Regency Centers, a publicly-traded real estate investment trust headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida. Ventura Village is an approximate Read More →


Blue LED pioneer Nakamura becomes UCSB’s sixth Nobel laureate

By   /  Tuesday, October 7th, 2014  /  South Coast, Technology, Top Stories  /  Comments Off on Blue LED pioneer Nakamura becomes UCSB’s sixth Nobel laureate

Click here for the Business Times’ updated coverage.   UC Santa Barbara professor Shuji Nakamura and two scientists based in Japan, Hiroshi Amano and Isamu Akasaki, were chosen as recipients of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics. The committee selected the team for its invention of the blue light-emitting diode, or LED, which allows white light to Read More →


J.D. Power explores Westlake lease alternatives

By   /  Friday, October 3rd, 2014  /  East Ventura County, Real Estate, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on J.D. Power explores Westlake lease alternatives

The future of the J.D. Power and Associates headquarters in Westlake Village is up in the air and a move to consolidate two Southern California offices could be on the horizon. The big question is where the global marketing services firm and its approximately 250 Ventura County employees will land. The company’s lease at its Read More →