March 3, 2025
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Port of Hueneme getting funds from Army Corps of Engineers


Updated at 4 p.m. May 26:

The Port of Hueneme will receive $778,000 from the Army Corps of Engineers, the first of the port funds it became eligible to receive with the passing of the Water Infrastructure Improvement for the Nation Act in December.

The port was previously ineligible to receive money for maintenance from a fund it had paid into, the Harbor Maintenance Tax Fund.

“This funding stream from the U.S. Army Corps promises to enrich our community by advancing projects that will create jobs and nourish our local beach ecosystem,” said President of the Board of Harbor Commissioners Jason Hodge. “We extend our gratitude to local and state leadership for securing the port’s place in the U.S. Army Corps work plan.”

The work plan will enable the port to deepen and maintain the federal channel, said port President and CEO Kristen Decas.

“The timing for this announcement couldn’t be better as we just put our TIGER grant engineering bid on the street, a multimillion-dollar project that will deepen the harbor alongside our wharves,” Decas said.

Channel Islands Harbor will also receive $400,000 from the Corps, which will make jetty repairs there. The Ventura Harbor secured $800,000 in dredging funds that will go toward the next fiscal year, bringing its total budget up to $5.16 million.

“The county is so pleased that funds have been made available to do the design work to repair the jetty and breakwater,” said Lyn Krieger, director of the Channel Islands Harbor Department.

• Contact Marissa Nall at [email protected].