Sienna stock soars after $65 million IPO
Westlake Village biotechnology company Sienna Biopharmaceuticals closed with a big gain after it raised $65 million in its initial public offering July 27. Sienna priced the 4.33 million shares it offered at $15. Shares had reached $21 around noon before ending at $19.25, a 28.3 percent premium on its opening price. The company operates in Read More →
Deckers Brands sales up 20 percent year-over-year
Deckers Brands reported a 20.3 percent year-over-year net increase in sales but still had a net loss of $42.1 million for its fiscal first quarter ended June 30. Sales continued to grow in its direct-to-consumer channel, including its Hoka One One brand, and the figure included wholesale shipments of Ugg products originally expected to ship Read More →
Dole supplier awarded Rainforest Alliance certification
Dole Food supplier Huelquen Farms, in Paine, Chile, achieved the Rainforest Alliance certification, the company announced July 26. The farm grows 100 hectares, or around 247 acres, of table grapes under the Westlake Village-based Dole Food label and was successfully audited to the Sustainable Agriculture Network Standard. The Rainforest Alliance is an international nonprofit organization Read More →
MindBody revenues up but net losses continue
Consistent with its last earnings report, MindBody’s revenues increased 31 percent for its second fiscal quarter 2017, but net losses persisted, reaching $4.4 million, or 10 cents per basic and diluted share. The San Luis Obispo-based software provider for the wellness industry brought in $44.1 million in revenue, including $17.6 million from its payments software. Read More →
Anti-smuggling program gets $110 million in federal funds
An anti-narcotic and human trafficking effort, Operation Stonegarden, received $110 million in funding on July 24 to help curb the use of so-called “panga” boats for smuggling drugs and people onto the Central Coast. U.S. Representative Salud Carbajal, D-Santa Barbara, announced the appropriation of funds through fiscal year 2022 via the Department of Homeland Security’s Authorization Bill. Read More →
Moorpark company’s medicine bottles target elderly, opioid crisis
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Goleta imaging device maker iCRco emerges from bankruptcy
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