March 12, 2025
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Decas: Port keeps goods flowing during pandemic


By Kristin Decas

There is no doubt, we are in uncharted waters.

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many of our families and friends in the United States and globally.

The Port of Hueneme appreciates the leadership of local agencies and government partners’ leadership who are tirelessly working to reduce the health impacts of the coronavirus COVID-19 on our community and our nation.

The port is an economic backbone that provides for our local, regional and national economy.

In times like these we are heartened by the efforts of all port workers and partners: our longshoremen, truckers, drivers, stevedores, terminal operators, forwarders, captains, vessel crews, warehouse workers, and all individuals that are serving in the global supply chain — a big “thank you” for your tireless work to keep these critical operations uninterrupted.

Your efforts create the positive impact that drives local, state, and national prosperity and keep us healthy.

In a time of instability, we want to assure you that we are doing everything we can to protect the health of our employees and partners and to continue to supply you with the goods you need during this challenging global situation.

The Port of Hueneme is strong and quick to adapt, and we are keeping abreast of the developing situation.

Keep safe, continue to be well, we will get through this together.

• Kristin Decas is the CEO of the Port of Hueneme.