Street Smarts: Dean’s premonition about COVID lands her in spotlight
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Real Estate: Hayes sees ‘noticeable growth’ in South Coast commercial market
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Our View: California takes small step toward easing tax burden on small business
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Opinion: California’s road to decarbonization
By David Lea, Kyle Meng, Olivier Deschenes, Ranjit Deshmukh and Paige Weber The world is jointly confronting two pressing issues: climate change and rising inequality. These problems are also intricately linked. The imperative to address climate change is overlaid on a world that is deeply unequal, which is likely to worsen under climate change. Yet, Read More →
Opinion: What a difference a year makes for Cal Poly’s AngelCon
By Judy Mahan This Friday, the Cal Poly Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Small Business Development Center COVID Task Force congregates via Zoom for our now-monthly meeting — what a difference a year makes. Last year, at this time, the COVID Task Force met weekly, with multiple triage meetings throughout the week. The goal was Read More →