January 10, 2025
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Valeo Networks names new president


Travis Mack, CEO of Saalex Solutions and Valeo Networks (courtesy photo)

Valeo Networks, a spinoff of Camarillo-based Saalex Solutions, announced Eric Ringelberg has been named the new president of the company, replacing Travis Mack, who will now move into a chairman role along with his CEO title.

Valeo is headquartered in Rockledge, Florida but has operations in Camarillo. 

It is a managed security service provider, which means it provides cybersecurity, compliance, cloud computing, network infrastructure, and managed IT services for small to mid-size businesses and non-profit organizations.

Ringelberg has more than 20 years of senior management experience and most recently was a division director at Valeo. Prior to that Ringelberg served as President and CEO of next I.T., which was acquired by Valeo networks in 2022.

The changes are to help facilitate the company’s growth into one of the largest managed security service providers, the company said in a press release.

In the past two years, Valeo has acquired six companies and expects to continue at that pace. 

“These executive changes will free me up to focus more on our strategic goals and long-term vision,” Mack said in a press release. 

“I will be concentrating on growing the company through mergers and acquisitions and achieving our growth goals. We are in a tremendous position to further our growth within the MSSP vertical to become one of the largest in the nation, I want to continue that momentum and provide the overall direction and I can’t do that if I have day-to-day responsibilities. This decision is absolutely critical to facilitate our growth trajectory.”