March 9, 2025
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Vital signs: Small business owners continue to have an optimistic lens


A study released by U.S. Bank found that small business owners across the country and especially in California are feeling pretty good about today and the future.

According to the study, nearly 9 in 10 small business owners define their business as successful throughout the country. 

Moreover, despite facing economic stressors and challenges 87% of small business owners feel optimistic about the future of their business.

In regards to stressors, business owners identified their top worries as obtaining enough funding to support their business (80%), supply chain issues (78%), needing to upskill their workforce (74%), staffing shortages (77%), and competitors in the marketplace (79%).

In regards to California statistics, small business owners are more likely to say that their business is successful (95%) and that they are optimistic for the future (96%).

Moreover, California business owners are more likely to not have to spend time away from loved ones because of their business with 86% reporting they can balance that work-life stressor compared to 76% nationally.