Damooei: Poverty is a lethal human-made disease
Higher Education, Latest news, Op/EdsBy Jamshid Damooei What makes us human is an important question, and the answer is not always clear. If life is a microcosm of our natural world, what place does our way of life hold and where does economics appear on the scene? I have been wrestling with this question for a big part of Read More →
Garufis: Bankers want to fund small business loans
Banking & Finance, Banking Industry, Latest news, Small Business, South Coast, Tri-County Economy, Tri-County Public CompaniesBy Janet Garufis Last week, Henry Dubroff stepped out of his usual pundit role to share his impression of the Paycheck Protection Program rollout. I echo his sentiments and agree that it has been “a nightmare for many small business owners.” It has also been a challenging experience for many of your local bankers. I Read More →
Chien: Now might be time for a small business loan
Banking & Finance, Banking Industry, Higher Education, Latest news, Law & Goverment, Small BusinessBy Chia-Li Chien Many states, including California, identified a list of critical sectors to remain operational during the COVID-19 crisis. The rest of us need to work from home or close our businesses until further notice. The stock market reacts to the uncertainty in this public health crisis volatilely. The ripple effect causes the federal Read More →
Decas: Port keeps goods flowing during pandemic
Health Care & Life Science, Latest news, Op/Eds, West Ventura CountyBy Kristin Decas There is no doubt, we are in uncharted waters. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many of our families and friends in the United States and globally. The Port of Hueneme appreciates the leadership of local agencies and government partners’ leadership who are tirelessly working to reduce the health impacts of the coronavirus Read More →