Vaiman: Autonomy, pay, recognition keys to retaining talent
Higher Education, Latest news, Op/EdsBy Vlad Vaiman I have been studying what keeps the best employees within organizations for more than 15 years now. Exciting and challenging work and career-growth opportunities are the two most important factors. But I encourage employers to pay attention to the next three on the list as well: autonomy, fair pay and recognition. • Read More →
Damooei: Poverty is a lethal human-made disease
Higher Education, Latest news, Op/EdsBy Jamshid Damooei What makes us human is an important question, and the answer is not always clear. If life is a microcosm of our natural world, what place does our way of life hold and where does economics appear on the scene? I have been wrestling with this question for a big part of Read More →
Garufis: Bankers want to fund small business loans
Banking & Finance, Banking Industry, Latest news, Small Business, South Coast, Tri-County Economy, Tri-County Public CompaniesBy Janet Garufis Last week, Henry Dubroff stepped out of his usual pundit role to share his impression of the Paycheck Protection Program rollout. I echo his sentiments and agree that it has been “a nightmare for many small business owners.” It has also been a challenging experience for many of your local bankers. I Read More →