Chien: Now might be time for a small business loan
Banking & Finance, Banking Industry, Higher Education, Latest news, Law & Goverment, Small BusinessBy Chia-Li Chien Many states, including California, identified a list of critical sectors to remain operational during the COVID-19 crisis. The rest of us need to work from home or close our businesses until further notice. The stock market reacts to the uncertainty in this public health crisis volatilely. The ripple effect causes the federal Read More →
Decas: Port keeps goods flowing during pandemic
Health Care & Life Science, Latest news, Op/Eds, West Ventura CountyBy Kristin Decas There is no doubt, we are in uncharted waters. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many of our families and friends in the United States and globally. The Port of Hueneme appreciates the leadership of local agencies and government partners’ leadership who are tirelessly working to reduce the health impacts of the coronavirus Read More →
Garufis: Loans available to help businesses survive
Banking & Finance, Banking Industry, Latest news, Op/Eds, Small BusinessBy Janet Garufis We have all witnessed first-hand the serious and immediate impacts of the pandemic on local small businesses, our friends, neighbors and ourselves. Many workers have been furloughed or are now unemployed as non-essential businesses close and others learn to operate under restrictions that provide safe social distancing. At Montecito Bank & Trust, Read More →
Gerhardt and Wilson: Everyone must fight COVID-19
Health Care & Life Science, Latest news, Op/Eds, Opinion, South Coast, Tri-County Public CompaniesBy Drs. Nels Gerhardt and Brett Wilson We are emergency physicians at Cottage Health. We live and work in this community, so we are also your neighbors, friends, and the local doctors who may diagnose your child’s ear infection at 3 a.m., or fix your broken wrist. These are trying times and nowhere is the Read More →
Scolaro: Coronavirus forces leaders to get creative
Central Coast, Health Care & Life Science, Latest news, Op/Eds, Small Business, Women Inc.By Sierra Scolaro When I founded Wayve with a mission to provide the world with easy access to clean water, there was no way I could predict what lay ahead. Some days you feel on top of it all, when the pieces fall into place and the path to success is a freshly-paved road lined Read More →
Leonard: How coronavirus impacts construction
Columns, Health Care & Life Science, Latest newsBy Sean Leonard The coronavirus is impacting all of our daily lives in ways we would not have imagined 60 days ago. The situation is fluid as each day brings new understanding and changing public policy. The potential impacts to the construction industry are wide reaching. Consequences on a project site can include shelter-in-place directives Read More →
Mintz: Personal responsibility and the coronavirus
Central Coast, Latest news, Op/EdsBy Steven Mintz As the number of COVID-19 cases continue to grow and the death toll mounts, we should use our experiences so far to evaluate our personal responsibilities to each other and whether the government has met its burden in handling the crisis. Why does this matter? Our society depends on communal efforts to Read More →