July 22, 2024


Guest Commentary

| Friday, July 31st, 2015

Personal finance really family finance

Op/Eds, Opinion

Personal finance has always been a family affair that involves the interests of children, parents and other relatives. Currently, many trends exacerbate situations where relatives’ assistance is needed, which makes family situations increasingly challenging and difficult to plan for. First, expanded life expectancy brings expanded financial challenges. A longer life does not only imply greater Read More →

| Friday, July 24th, 2015

Smart innovation key to business success


Smart business leaders know that there is an important distinction between risk taking and intelligent risk taking. It is the former that may make the headlines, but it is the latter that often leads to the greatest rewards. There is an increasing awareness within the business community of the world of difference between innovation and Read More →

| Friday, July 24th, 2015

Proposed peaker plant in Oxnard bad idea because of flood vulnerability

Energy, Op/Eds, West Ventura County

Reliability is the key point emphasized in the Pacific Coast Business Times editorial July 17 (Oxnard peaker plant should be approved). During the CPUC evidentiary hearings held in May regarding the NRG proposal, the city of Oxnard provided proof based on state of the art scientific evidence that storm surge patterns and sea level rise Read More →

| Friday, July 17th, 2015

For cybersecurity, ignorance is not bliss

Columns, Technology

With all of the talk about hacking of big business and government, it’s time for small business owners to access their own vulnerabilities and design a plan of action. If they do not tackle this head on, small business owners risk the possibility of significant financial loss, litigation or even business failure. Ignorance is not Read More →

| Friday, July 17th, 2015

Refugio oil spill shows companies haven’t learned lesson after 46 years

Columns, Energy

Why does our collective memory seem so short? The gorgeous coast where we live and work was despoiled by a massive oil spill 46 years ago and we vowed never to let it happen again. That was in 1969, when a Union Oil Co. platform six miles off the Santa Barbara County coast suffered a Read More →

| Friday, July 3rd, 2015

Differences between Baby Boomers, Millennials challenge for employers


For decades there has been a symbiotic relationship between the senior members of an organization and the young guns coming up the ranks. The older generation brings knowledge and experience to the table and the young people bring energy, enthusiasm and fresh ideas. Today, there is a new dynamic as Baby Boomers born between 1946 Read More →

| Friday, July 3rd, 2015

Going public with companies fuels healthy communities in Tri-Counties

Central Coast, Op/Eds, Tri-County Economy, Tri-County Public Companies

The health of our communities is directly tied to the health of our local businesses. We cannot have one without the other. Although in good economic times it is easy to lose sight of our region’s competiveness to attract and retain businesses in a world where many companies can operate from anywhere. If our communities Read More →