California losing benefits of green landscape
Op/EdsWith California now four years deep into a drought, and more than $350 million frivolously burned in turf removal rebates, Californians want to know … where is the water? At $4,073 per acre-foot, turf removal is the state’s most expensive and least reliable water supply source by far, almost twice as expensive as seawater desalination, Read More →
California’s onerous employment laws continue to vex businesses
Op/EdsEmployers continue to be battered by onerous California employment laws, and there is little end in sight. For those employers who can’t move their operations to another state, you’re stuck with the detailed state rules that create traps for employers. One of the latest tactics by plaintiffs’ lawyers is to file lawsuits because of information Read More →
Emergence of the ‘dependent contractor’
Op/EdsA recent decision by the state Division of Labor Standards Enforcement has greatly shaken the California business community. The ruling found that an Uber driver is an “employee” and not an “independent contractor” as the entire industry had previously presumed. Although this decision only pertains to that specific case, it could end up changing the Read More →
Personal finance really family finance
Op/Eds, OpinionPersonal finance has always been a family affair that involves the interests of children, parents and other relatives. Currently, many trends exacerbate situations where relatives’ assistance is needed, which makes family situations increasingly challenging and difficult to plan for. First, expanded life expectancy brings expanded financial challenges. A longer life does not only imply greater Read More →
Smart innovation key to business success
Op/EdsSmart business leaders know that there is an important distinction between risk taking and intelligent risk taking. It is the former that may make the headlines, but it is the latter that often leads to the greatest rewards. There is an increasing awareness within the business community of the world of difference between innovation and Read More →