July 22, 2024


Guest Commentary

| Friday, January 16th, 2015

Op/ed: The life of a digital nomad

Op/Eds, Opinion

The reality of being a digital nomad isn’t always easy and it requires some sacrifice, but ultimately it is an incredibly rewarding lifestyle where I can meet the needs of clients, live the life I want to live and inspire others to pursue adventure and happiness.

| Friday, January 16th, 2015

Op/ed: The future is infinite at CES

Op/Eds, Opinion

The underlying message at this year’s show seemed to be “cut all cords” — or at least, keep cutting the cords, as ever-greater streaming speeds and bandwidth capacities allow for products and services to operate in millions of truly remote consumer settings.

| Friday, January 9th, 2015

Op/ed: Rose Bowl is the kick-off to résumé season

Op/Eds, Opinion

It is the beginning of the New Year, a day filled with hope, resolutions and football games. The optimistic among us look ahead at 364 upcoming opportunities to have great days and make great things happen.

| Friday, January 9th, 2015

Op/ed: Don’t fall for the scary headlines about falling oil prices

Op/Eds, Opinion

If oil were to disappear completely from our economy, it would just about offset our estimated one percent increase in GDP benefit of lower oil prices.

| Friday, January 2nd, 2015

Op/ed: The New Year is a great time for a new strategy for health care expenses

Op/Eds, Opinion

With insurance covering less and less these days, it is essential to take responsibility for our own finances, and that should include medical expenses.

| Friday, January 2nd, 2015

Op/ed: Bank of America moral hazard may lead to another financial crisis

Op/Eds, Opinion

By Steven Mintz How can it be that Bank of America has settled claims in excess of $66 billion for its role in the financial meltdown that spawned the economic recession in 2008 and no top executives have spent any time in jail? How do we explain that regardless of gross violations of ethical standards, Read More →

| Friday, December 12th, 2014

Op/ed: ’Tis the season to borrow money from family and friends…Ugh!

Op/Eds, Opinion

If you follow these steps, you will be able to help your family and friends in their time of need without losing them in the process.