Dubroff: C-Suite shift at Deckers Brands fitting exit for Martinez
Columns, Latest newsAs you read this column, one of the legendary business leaders in the Tri-Counties will be headed into retirement. Sort of. Angel Martinez, 60, the strategist who charted a growth path for Deckers Brands and helped turn the region into a hub for fashion forward design, said just before Memorial Day he’ll be stepping down Read More →
New labor rules may create permanent underclass of businesses
Columns, Latest news, Small BusinessAmerica’s small business owners are a resilient group. We’ve put up with increased regulation, the financial crisis, the credit crunch, unsound fiscal policy and political gridlock. But since 2004, the total number of U.S. small businesses has been in decline – there have not been enough new business starts to replace companies that were sold Read More →
Labor secretary defends new overtime rules
Latest newsWASHINGTON, D.C. — Labor Secretary Thomas Perez mounted a vigorous defense of the administration’s new overtime rules, saying objections by universities and retailers are overblown. In remarks to business journalists, Perez said the rules, which go into effect Dec. 1, are designed to play catch up with standards that were “manipulated” in 2004. He said Read More →
Dubroff: Plains prosecution either carefully crafted or grandstanding
Columns, Energy, Latest newsThere are two ways to look at the May 17 announcement that Plains All American Pipeline will face criminal charges over last year’s Refugio oil spill. During a press conference that made national news, California Attorney General Kamala Harris and Santa Barbara County District Attorney Joyce Dudley said that a California grand jury had indicted Read More →
Settlement reasonable amid political pressure
Editorials, Latest news, OpinionMaybe there’s not a major Supreme Court decision lurking in every case that’s in the headlines. That’s our takeaway from the court’s order to litigants in Zubick vs. Burwell, a case involving nonprofits seeking an exemption from the Affordable Care Act’s mandate to provide coverage for contraception. Among those seeking relief was Thomas Aquinas College Read More →