A sobering reality check
ColumnsEditor Henry Dubroff surveys business leaders across the Tri-Counties to check the pulse of the recovery
A speed bump in Oxnard’s road to recovery
Columns, OpinionOxnard’s seemingly bright future has hit a few rough spots
Suddenly, deficit is talk of the town
Columns, OpinionWASHINGTON, D.C. — All of a sudden, deficit reduction is the name of the game. It is as though someone flipped a switch on Nov. 2 and suddenly the one-trick pony that is politics in the nation’s capital is obsessed with the idea of balancing the federal budget. Not that I am complaining. As I Read More →
Jobless data may portend broad recovery
Columns, OpinionThe tri-county region is showing signs of digging itself out of a deep hole.
Lacayo Center gives Edison a look at the future
Columns, OpinionWhen Southern California Edison President John Fielder addressed a few hundred Ventura County business leaders on Nov. 15, he was quick to point out why his company was investing $300,000 in a new program at CSU Channel Islands. The Henry L. “Hank” Lacayo Center for Workplace & Community Studies will foster entrepreneurship to drive future Read More →
From the editor: Closing the turkey deficit
Columns, OpinionThere are mega-deficits, there are giant deficits, and then there are smaller deficits that really hurt people in need. Consider, if you will, the turkey deficit facing Foodbank of Santa Barbara County. The deficit was so large that until Nov. 18, some 3,000 local families were in danger of going without this Thanksgiving. Happily, the Read More →