March 10, 2025


Henry Dubroff

Henry Dubroff is the chairman, editor and majority owner of the Pacific Coast Business Times.

Henry Dubroff

| Friday, June 2nd, 2017

Dubroff: Companies looking to change work culture face daunting task

Columns, Latest news

You don’t have to look too far to find a big company in deep trouble. Wells Fargo, Volkswagen, United Airlines — three icons of global business have taken their lumps recently. Add to that the failures that led to the financial crisis, the retail meltdown and too many credit card hacks to count and it’s Read More →

| Friday, May 26th, 2017

Our view: Cal Poly’s prominence grows but there is a cost

Editorials, Higher Education, Latest news, Opinion

The Frost family’s $110 million gift to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is the ultimate validation of former President Warren Baker’s vision of Cal Poly as a leading research institution within the California State University system. It also validates current President Jeffrey Armstrong’s decision to double-down on entrepreneurship, forging close connections with the SLO business Read More →

Henry Dubroff

| Friday, May 26th, 2017

Dubroff: Tri-Counties becoming hot spot for new capital investments

Columns, Latest news

Capital markets have discovered the Tri-Counties in a big way in 2017. This might be a permanent change in the way wealth is created and distributed in the region or a warning sign that markets are close to a peak. On May 23, The Trade Desk, the region’s only IPO of 2016, announced that existing Read More →

| Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017

Governor pays tribute to Towbes at memorial service

Banking Industry, Latest news, Real Estate, South Coast

Gov. Jerry Brown made a rare appearance in Santa Barbara on May 23, paying a brief but personal tribute to tri-county businessman Michael Towbes. Towbes died April 11 after a battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 87. Speaking at a memorial service that filled the Granada Theatre, Brown described Towbes as “a helluva guy.” Towbes, Read More →

| Friday, May 19th, 2017

Our view: Small businesses shine with plenty of support

Editorials, Latest news, Opinion, Small Business

We can’t think of a better way to celebrate National Small Business Week than to provide a report on the state of entrepreneurship in our region. The good news is that a spirit of innovation continues to spark new startups, with much activity coming from business plan competitions and new workspaces like Impact Hub, the Read More →

Henry Dubroff

| Thursday, May 18th, 2017

Dubroff: End of merger proposal leaves health care future up in the air

Columns, Health Care & Life Science, Latest news

The debate over the future of health care — in the nation and in the region — comes down to a single question. Is health care a competitive marketplace where price guides choices, or is it a regulated marketplace much like a public utility? That question remains unanswered nationally as Congress grapples with how to Read More →

| Friday, May 12th, 2017

Our view: Ventura County students on path to attend college

Editorials, Higher Education, Latest news, Opinion

Ventura County has taken a big step forward when it comes to math and science education with the P-20 Council, a business-education group, forming better connections between public education and the private sector. Those connections include a new program aimed at identifying strong students in STEM fields and providing them with the support they need Read More →