Santa Barbara software firm hits it out of the park at Ventech PitchFest
Latest news, middle, StartupsHundreds of members from the Santa Barbara community — from investors to business owners to curious parties — packed into the Cabrillo Pavilion on April 18 to see five executives duke it out in the first annual PitchFest. Hosted by Ventech, an emerging technology forum, the event featured three companies from the Central Coast, including Read More →
Mental health experts, facilities grow to meet a demand for services
Central Coast, Health Care & Life Science, Latest news, middle, Subscriber content, Tri-County EconomyThis article is only available to Business Times subscribers Subscribers: LOG IN or REGISTER for complete digital access. Not a Subscriber? SUBSCRIBE for full access to our weekly newspaper, online edition and Book of Lists. Check the STATUS of your Subscription Account.
Beni CEO steps down due to personal health issues
Central Coast, Latest news, middle, Subscriber content, Technology, Tri-County EconomySarah Pinner, one of the co-founders of Santa Barbara-based Beni, stepped down from her post as CEO of the company on April 12, citing personal health issues as the reason. In a LinkedIn post, Pinner noted that she was “simply no longer mentally or physically healthy enough to continue in this role.” “I can live Read More →
Street smarts: Carpinteria hosts annual community awards banquet
Central Coast, Columns, Latest news, Nonprofits, Subscriber content, Tourism, Tri-County EconomyHundreds of Carpinterians gathered at the Girls Inc. of Carpinteria headquarters on April 6 to celebrate the city’s annual community awards banquet, an event that celebrates the people and businesses of Carpinteria. The event’s most prestigious award, Carpinterian of the Year, went to Rick Olmstead. Olmstead is a staple in Santa Barbara County, especially in Read More →