July 22, 2024


Editorial Department

| Wednesday, September 24th, 2008

A return to


No two bailouts are exactly the same. And when it comes comparing the savings and loan era Resolution Trust Corp. to the $700 billion banking industry rescue now before Congress, there is one difference that really stands out. Back in the stone age of 1988, when we were merely trying to take care of regional Read More →

| Wednesday, September 24th, 2008

Forecast looks to the north


At the Santa Barbara County 2008 Real Estate and Economic Outlook, three area experts focused a substantial portion of their talks on the residential crisis concentrated in the north county. Experts said declining property values will take toll on both homeowners and county revenues, but buyers are better off, as plummeting prices have encouraged increased Read More →

| Wednesday, September 24th, 2008

Tourney without Tiger

Top Stories

One of the richest sporting events in the Tri-Counties is scheduled to start Dec. 15 in Thousand Oaks, but its key figure will be on the sidelines. Although he won’t play this year because of an injury, Tiger Woods announced the 16-player Chevron World Challenge on Sept. 29. The field of players includes Vijay Singh, Read More →

| Wednesday, September 24th, 2008

CSUCI, Hartley put new spin on music


With the music industry fragmenting into smaller and smaller niches, a new generation of artists is looking for ways to make money by selling songs online for 99 cents a pop or getting corporate sponsors for free music sites on the Web. California State University, Channel Islands, wants to lure up-and-coming talent to its campus Read More →

| Monday, September 22nd, 2008

As crush gets under way, labs try to limit production flaws


Wine goes back to biblical times, but today’s wineries are digging into the chemical properties and hi-tech tools of the future to transform their wine into precisely calculated products. Hundreds of wineries large and small across the Tri-Counties have been turning to two regional wine lab companies, Baker Wine & Grape Analysis and Vinquiry, to Read More →

| Friday, September 19th, 2008

McClatchy slashes workers


McClatchy Co., owner of the San Luis Obispo Tribune, cut its quarterly dividend in half to 9 cents a share and said it will eliminate 10 percent of its staff to lower costs and conserve cash.   The workforce will be reduced by the equivalent of 1,150 full-time jobs, Sacramento-based McClatchy said Sept. 16. The Read More →

| Friday, September 19th, 2008

News operations chief hired


Former KEYT broadcast operationchief Donald Katich has been hired as director of news operations for Ampersand Publishing, owner of the Santa Barbara News-Press. According to a News-Press staff report, Katich is responsible for “integrated news gathering for all Ampersand media platforms, including the Santa Barbara News-Press, newspress.com, radio station KZSB AM 1290 and affiliated community Read More →