February 27, 2025


Editorial Department

| Thursday, November 12th, 2009

Small plane crashes


Just after noon on Nov. 10 the Santa Barbara City Fire Department responded to a report of a light aircraft down at the Santa Barbara Airport. Upon arrival, airport fire station personnel found a single-engine aircraft on the southeast side of the airport in the grassy area adjacent to the runway. Initial reports revealed that Read More →

| Monday, November 9th, 2009

Social Venture Partners debuts as nonprofit, business collaboration


Some of the most prominent members of Santa Barbara’s business community are banding together to make an investment in the area’s nonprofit sector through a new Santa Barbara initiative called Social Venture Partners. Members of the area’s nonprofit and business sectors spoke about their new collaboration at a press conference at the Santa Barbara Foundation’s Read More →

| Monday, November 9th, 2009

Sizing up the health of your insurance firm


Investing oracle Warren Buffet once said that an insurance policy is just a promise on a piece of paper, and businesses have been banking on that understanding for decades. But as losses rise and carriers go bankrupt, that business foundation could disintegrate. Since the federal government stepped in with $85 billion to prop up failing Read More →

| Monday, November 9th, 2009

A clear vision


Clairvoyance means the ability to see things or events that remain invisible to our normal senses. So it’s fitting that when David Hardee, head of Santa Barbara-based renewable energy developer Clairvoyant Energy, looks at a shuttered Ford Motor Co. factory in Wixom, Mich., he sees the largest renewable energy plant in the United States and Read More →

| Monday, November 9th, 2009

Study sees green in Santa Barbara County


A recently commissioned Santa Barbara County workforce study reveals that jobs in the green sector may play a leading role in the county’s employment outlook. The study, completed in September by BW Research Partnership for the Santa Barbara County Workforce Investment Board, took a broad look at the county’s workforce, economic impacts and future employment Read More →

| Monday, November 9th, 2009

Area elections show voters back business


Reading the minds of voters is always difficult. But in elections in Santa Barbara and Ventura there are stirrings of an electoral backlash against the extreme regulation of business in the Highway 101 corridor. By substantial margins, voters turned back height-limit measures in both Santa Barbara and Ventura. In Ventura they also turned back an Read More →

| Monday, November 9th, 2009

Small business sees brighter future


Nothing lasts forever. That goes for recessions as well as good times. The  City Business Journals Network, an organization based in Charlotte, N.C. — of which the Business Times is an affiliated member — reports that small- and medium-sized businesses are more optimistic about the economy than at any time in the past year. In Read More →