August 30, 2024

Editorial Department

| Monday, October 12th, 2009

Shout-out for a university leader


On a happier note, we’re pleased to add our own congratulations to Howie Wennes, president emeritus of California Lutheran University and recipient of the institution’s Christus Award, for bridging the gap between CLU and the communities it serves. Wennes came to the university just four years ago after a distinguished career in the Lutheran Church. Read More →

| Monday, October 12th, 2009

Overtime fines hit small business

Top Stories

Anyone can tell you it’s tough to run a business. Now it’s about to get tougher. The U.S. Department of Labor is cracking down on employee overtime violations, and business owners are going to start feeling the heat. The down economy has forced employers and employees alike to focus more attention on pay. Because of Read More →

| Monday, October 12th, 2009

Making it work

Top Stories

First, the airwaves. Then, the nation. Santa Barbara-based computer support firm Make it Work has landed a deal to host a nationally syndicated radio show about consumer technology. And it plans to parlay that show into a coast-to-coast rollout of its tech support services. Driving a fleet of bright red Mini Coopers, Make It Work Read More →

| Monday, October 12th, 2009

UCSB center adds nano spin to biotech

Top Stories

Hoping to carve out a role for nanotechnology in treating life-threatening diseases, the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a medical research institute in San Diego County have formed a multimillion-dollar partnership to recruit up to 150 scientists and support staff and house a research center at UCSB. Called the “Center for Nanomedicine,” the UCSB-Burnham Read More →

| Monday, October 12th, 2009

Lack laments that Santa Barbara


Measure B, the controversial height limit proposal on the city’s November ballot, will no doubt change the way buildings are erected in Santa Barbara, but contractor David Lack thinks there’s something more pressing at hand: making green builders feel welcome. “If someone like me bends over backward to meet the city requirements and goes to Read More →

| Monday, October 12th, 2009

Green Coast gets ready for its close-up


Six months ago I wrote a column suggesting that we reinvent the tri-county economy as a “Green Coast” for energy research and innovation. Now there are signs this idea is becoming a reality. On Sept. 30, a broad-based coalition of business, government, major universities and nonprofit groups applied to the California Department of Housing and Read More →

| Monday, October 12th, 2009

Karl Willig takes the helm at Mission Linen


Karl Willig is the definition of a businessman. The 65-year-old has spent decades doing what he loves most — building companies — and now he’s coming out of retirement to take the helm of a Santa Barbara institution that’s been around longer than he has: Mission Linen Supply. The Idaho native has headed several national Read More →