July 16, 2024


Editorial Board

| Friday, November 22nd, 2013

Editorial: SB County oil cap vote is a slap in Santa Maria’s face

Editorials, Opinion

Santa Barbara County has slammed the door on the fingers of the Santa Maria Energy project — but not taken a stand that shuts that door completely. The approach has been, ‘If we can’t block it, we’ll regulate it in to nonprofitability.’

| Friday, November 15th, 2013

Editorial: Find local solutions first for Paso Robles water problems

Editorials, Opinion

North San Luis Obispo County has become ground zero for a debate over groundwater use and storage that’s spreading across the Highway 101 corridor.

A large area that includes portions of northeastern Paso Robles and inches toward the Monterey County line has been the subject of a heated debate about future water supplies and groundwater management. These days, two groups — the Paso Robles Agricultural Alliance for Groundwater Solutions, which seeks the creation of a California Water District to add new supplies, and PRO Water Equity, which opposes the ag group — are vying for public support.

| Friday, November 8th, 2013

Editorial: Santa Barbara County needs to think of its future

Editorials, Opinion

Santa Barbara County is edging closer to an economic development strategy. At least that was our takeaway after sitting in on the “Morality of Prosperity,” the name for this year’s action summit put on by the Santa Barbara County Technology & Industry Association.

| Friday, November 1st, 2013

Editorial: Airport leader helped South Coast lift off

Editorials, Opinion

Faced with a community whose utter contempt for the words “economic development” is legendary, Karen Ramsdell did something surprisingly entrepreneurial.

She cobbled together roughly $170 million in debt capital and government grants and gave the South Coast one of the greatest economic development tools ever invented — a spanking new airport.

| Friday, October 25th, 2013

Editorial: Retired sheriff should consider public perception

Editorials, Opinion

He will have a lot more success settling with the county or dropping his complaint.

| Friday, October 18th, 2013

Editorial: Private sector should step up in debt debate

Editorials, Opinion

Business owners and managers are key stakeholders — we hold the keys to far more economic activity than politicians.

| Friday, October 11th, 2013

Editorial: UAVs should be at core of iHub

Editorials, Opinion

Working hand-in-hand with a statewide manufacturing initiative and the emerging unmanned aerial vehicle industry, it could give production, design, energy and technology firms along the Highway 101 corridor a lift.