Editorial: VCCF helps bind Ventura County together
Editorials, OpinionIn the 21st Century, Ventura County is getting national recognition for its unique mix of agriculture, high technology, urban environments, open space and beachfront property. But forging an independent identity for one of California’s largest counties has been far more difficult than it looks today. Just 25 years ago, Ventura County operated without a central Read More →
Editorial: Tri-Counties has traded on port’s success for 75 years
Editorials, OpinionTrade has a proud tradition on the Central Coast, beginning with the shipping of cattle hides as chronicled by Richard Henry Dana in the 1830s.
Editorial: Gov. Brown’s econ-devo plan likely to benefit region
Editorials, OpinionThe number of companies and cities in the Tri-Counties that might benefit from the new regime of tax credits and Go-Biz perks is substantial.
Editorial: Geithner gets our vote for worst Treasury secretary
Editorials, OpinionIn the firestorm that’s erupted over the targeting of tea party-affiliated nonprofits by the Internal Revenue Service, it has gone largely unnoticed that the IRS is actually part of the U.S. Treasury.
Editorial: To become tech magnet, region should think big
Editorials, OpinionWe’d encourage UCSB to think bigger when it comes to the longterm effects of the startups it spins out and embrace a broader role along the entire Highway 101 corridor.
Editorial: Rethinking the state’s broken unemployment system
Editorials, OpinionMore than 500,000 Californians receive as much as $450 per week in unemployment benefits that until recently could last for 99 weeks.
Editorial: Ventura unveils business development blueprint
Editorials, OpinionThe city of Ventura has set out a road map for economic vitality that courageously puts the private sector front and center.