March 8, 2025


Stephen Nellis

Pete Jordano, CEO of regional food and beverage distributor Jordano’s. The family-owned company will celebrate its 100th year in 2015. (Stephen Nellis / Business Times photo)

| Friday, April 4th, 2014

Cheers to 100 years: Jordano’s kicks off centennial celebration

Features, Restaurants, South Coast, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy

Jordano’s kicked off a year-long run-up to its 100th birthday celebration at its biannual food show.

| Friday, April 4th, 2014

Coastal Commission sea-level rules could erode property rights

Central Coast, East Ventura County, Green Coast, Real Estate, South Coast, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy, West Ventura County

The seas are rising, threatening billions of dollars of California’s coastal real estate. But the question of whether property owners can armor against the waves or must fall back as their holdings wash away is at the heart of an obscure policy document making its way through the California Coastal Commission. The rules would require Read More →

| Friday, April 4th, 2014

The long view: TrueVision builds on 3-D surgery breakthroughs

Health Care & Life Science, South Coast, Technology

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| Thursday, April 3rd, 2014

SMS Masterminds raises $12.2M, becomes public

Central Coast, Technology, Top Stories, Tri-County Public Companies

San Luis Obispo-based SMS Masterminds has raised $12.2 million through its parent company and will soon bring a new public company headquarters to the Central Coast.

| Friday, March 28th, 2014

A soft touch for transit: CHK America builds interactive route maps for cities

Small Business, South Coast, Technology, Top Stories

The first unit is being tested at the Santa Barbara MTD Transit Center, where the company will be refining the software that runs the system to make it as useful as possible to riders.

| Friday, March 28th, 2014

AmeriFlex celebrates 25 years of helping entrepreneurs

Banking & Finance, Personal Finance, Small Business, South Coast, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy

After a quarter century in an industry that’s changed tremendously, AmeriFlex Financial Services is gearing up for its biggest year.

| Friday, March 21st, 2014

Sonos fights Apple spinoffs in patent battle

Law & Goverment, Technology, Top Stories

Wireless speaker maker Sonos made its first-ever disclosure of $535 million in revenue while locked in a patent fight against sophisticated opponents with ties to Apple.