RKS helps Line 6 rock out: Ventura County firms collaborate on sound system
Features, TechnologyRKS Design is helping nearby Line 6 break into the market for professional sound systems.
California must invest in the future, Lt. Gov. says in SLO
Central Coast, Latest news, Tri-County EconomyLt. Gov. Gavin Newsom told hundreds of civic and business leaders in San Luis Obispo on Feb. 24 that California needs to look beyond its borders for new ideas on how to once again lead the United States in job creation. Newsom told the crowd at the San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce luncheon that Read More →
The skinny on exec’s new venture: Former Mentor leader rolls out ultrasound fat blaster
Features, TechnologyA former Mentor Corp. executive is launching a new fat-reduction and skin-tightening device and plans to hit the markets within the next two years.
‘Like Pandora for fashion’ wins at Startup Weekend SLO
Central Coast, Small Business, TechnologyCal Poly hosted its first-ever Startup Weekend SLO recently.
$40M deposit: PCBC launches technology overhaul
Banking & Finance, Banking Industry, Features, TechnologyThe parent of Santa Barbara Bank & Trust is investing $40 million into a comprehensive technology overhaul.