March 9, 2025


Stephen Nellis

| Monday, November 22nd, 2010

Inphi’s IPO the highlight of Wall St. week

Banking & Finance, Technology, Tri-County Public Companies

Inphi Corp.’s initial public offering was an unmitigated success during a volatile month in a volatile year for the markets, experts said.

| Monday, November 22nd, 2010

Main Street, online: Coupeez brings e-coupons to small businesses

Features, Small Business, Technology

Matthew Graczyk wants to bring online coupons to mom-and-pop shops across the nation, and he’s starting with downtown Ventura. Graczyk is the founder of Coupeez, an online service that lets companies post coupons and discounts. The site launched in October. So far, it has signed up about 100 businesses, many within walking distance of Coupeez’s Read More →

| Friday, November 19th, 2010

SLO County gets on same eco-devo page

Tri-County Economy

More than 100 business leaders and the county of San Luis Obispo have produced what’s being called a first-ever economic strategy for creating more private-sector jobs on the Central Coast. The 45-page game plan was produced by the Economic Vitality Corp. of San Luis Obispo and funded with $50,000 from the county and more than Read More →

| Monday, November 15th, 2010

Standing guard: InfoGard gets federal records certification

Small Business, Technology

The nation’s move to electronic health records promises to be a technological shift on a scale not seen since computers hit banking or plastic cards took the place of the paper checkbook. San Luis Obispo-based information technology security firm InfoGard will be right in the middle of it. In September, the federal government named InfoGard Read More →

| Monday, November 15th, 2010

Business pressure could kill 1099 rule

Small Business, Top Stories

Among the many political casualties of mid-term elections this year may be an obscure tax-reporting rule that it seems no one — even people within the IRS itself — will miss. The 1099 rule, as it has come to be known, was a little-noticed part of the health-care legislation passed earlier this year. It requires Read More →

| Monday, November 8th, 2010

Bright, but not as big: Solar projects could be downsized to protect wildlife

Features, Green Coast, Technology

The two massive solar projects winding toward approval on San Luis Obispo County’s Carrizo Plain could end up generating 30 percent less energy than the 800 megawatts their corporate backers would prefer. That is according to draft environmental impact reports circulating for the California Valley Solar Ranch, backed by San Jose-based SunPower Corp., and the Read More →

| Monday, November 8th, 2010

Oil company association tarred Prop. 23


Perhaps no ballot proposition divided California’s business community more than Proposition 23, the effort to kill California’s 2006 carbon emissions law. The initiative failed by a 61-39 margin. Had it passed, it would have suspended AB 32 until California’s unemployment rate stayed below 5.5 percent for a year, which has happened only a handful of Read More →