March 9, 2025


Stephen Nellis

| Thursday, October 21st, 2010

New digital ad startup from industry veteran

Latest news, Technology

[Editor’s Note: See correction below.] One of the Tri-Counties’ most successful digital display advertising veterans is back in the game with a new startup. Dave Gross co-founded Fastclick, which went public and was bought Westlake Village-based ValueClick in 2005 for $220 million. Since then, Gross has quietly invested with several regional startups. But with Connexity, Read More →

| Monday, October 18th, 2010

Profitable merger for Noza

Nonprofits, Technology, Top Stories

Noza, a Santa Barbara firm offering data to help nonprofit fundraisers, has been acquired by a South Carolina company that’s profiting handsomely from the nonprofit sector. Noza created technology that searches the Web for public information about the money that people and companies have given to charities. Fundraisers at charities and nonprofits can use that Read More →

| Monday, October 18th, 2010

Is the price right? New SLO company tells you what it’s really worth

Features, Technology

You’ve got an old digital camera sitting around and you want to sell it online, but you have no idea how much to ask. Chances are, you search eBay, Amazon and Craigslist to see what similar devices fetch. You scribble it all down on a notepad, do some rough math and come up with a Read More →

| Monday, October 11th, 2010

Guitar man: High-end instruments, made in Oxnard

Features, Small Business

The first things you notice when you meet Jean Larrivée, the founder of high-end guitar maker Jean Larrivée Guitars, aren’t the test instruments leaning against the wall of his office, the tool chest in the corner or the small bottles of wood stain that dot the windowsill. It’s the giant red banners bearing Cyrillic script, Read More →

| Monday, October 11th, 2010

UTC takeover looms for Clipper Windpower

Technology, Top Stories

After rocky sales timing put Clipper Windpower in a cash crunch, its largest investor is in position to take control of the Carpinteria company just as its long-term prospects brighten. In December, multinational conglomerate United Technologies Corp. acquired a 49.5 percent stake in Clipper in a transaction that pumped $206  million in new capital into the Read More →

| Friday, October 8th, 2010

Lopker tells her story at CSUCI

Women Inc.

Today, Pamela Lopker is the founder, president and chairman of the board of Santa Barbara-based QAD, a $220-million-a-year manufacturing software company with 1,300 employees. But back in the in the 1970s, Lopker, the daughter of a U.S. Navy engineer, was coding software at a defense subcontractor when she realized she had brighter career prospects. “As Read More →

| Thursday, October 7th, 2010

Major shareholders file suit against Occam

Banking & Finance, Latest news, Technology, Tri-County Public Companies

A group of shareholders who between them own about 19 percent of Occam Networks filed suit Oct. 6 against Occam’s board of directors to stop the proposed acquisition of the company by Calix. In a news release announcing the suit, the investors — who include legendary hedge fund manager Michael Steinhardt — claim the $171 Read More →