Newsmakers our weekly feature offers a great opportunity to showcase your business, anniversaries, recent awards, new hires, promotions, events, mergers & acquisitions, special accomplishments, new locations or other big news you want to share with our readership.
The Pacific Coast Business Times’ Newsmakers, offers the perfect opportunity for your announcements:
Company Anniversaries
Recent Awards
New Hires/Promotions
Events & Conventions
Mergers & Acqiusitions
Special Accomplishments
New Locations
New Funding
1 STANDARD: Up to 50 Words
One photo
One logo
One-year free subscription

2 CORPORATE: Up to 250 words
Two photos
One logo
One-year free subscription

For an additional $250 your listing will be on our e-news Monday Briefing for one month with any package purchased
Space reservation deadline: Friday by noon
Materials deadline: Monday by noon
Payment: prepayment required
For more information, please contact your account executives, Veronica Kusmuk or Sean McCullough