HLB-sniffing dogs find a home in Ventura County

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Limoneira’s losses mount as pandemic depresses citrus sales

Santa Paula-based agribusiness Limoneira saw its losses increase and its revenue drop in the fourth quarter of its most recent fiscal year, as low wholesale prices and declining sales during the pandemic took their toll. Limoneira released its results Jan. 11 for the quarter and fiscal year ended Oct. 31, revealing a loss of 42 Read More →

Two Central Coast Wine legends to receive major Wine Enthusiast awards

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Opinion: Sorting the ins and outs of new Ventura County cannabis law
By Amy Steinfeld and Jack Ucciferri Ventura County was among nearly three dozen California jurisdictions to amend its cannabis policies as a result of last month’s voter initiatives. Ventura residents approved Measure O, which will open up portions of the county to commercial cannabis businesses, including cultivation, processing and distribution. At this time, no retail Read More →