The San Luis Obispo Parks department hopes to assess visitors’ experience through a new survey it’s conducting, while several campgrounds within Ventura and Santa Barbara remained closed through the July 4th weekend. After ascertaining where they stayed and their favorite aspect of the location, the survey queries visitors on how they heard about the parks, Read More →
The La Entrada mixed-use development on lower State Street is poised to reshape the downtown Santa Barbara retail landscape, but the massive construction project has left some businesses in its dust. The northbound lane reopened on July 1 on the State Street section that bridges downtown and the waterfront, but the relief came too late Read More →
Thousand Oaks City Manager Scott Mitnick was fired July 7 after a six-hour, closed door City Council meeting which ended shortly before midnight. The City Council voted unanimously to terminate Mitnick, effective immediately. “We are heading in a different direction and remain focused on preparing our city for the future and continuing the great things Read More →
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Agriculture on the Central Coast is in the midst of a rapid transformation. Regulation, drought and the soaring demand for locally produced food are forcing farmers across the region to adapt or shut their doors. The players who survive will likely be more sustainable and much more efficient. Curiously, they will likely reach markets that Read More →
Stellar Biotechnologies, a Port Hueneme-based company which makes medicines from the blood of animals found only off the coast of California, closed two private offerings July 6. Stellar closed one offering of 1.7 million common shares sold to institutional investors for $4 per share. In a separate concurrent offering, the company also sold 1.3 million Read More →