Exchange rate fluctuations to blame for drop in net farm income
Changes in dollar strength and exchange rates have been a major factor in the drop in net farm income, even as agriculture revenue has doubled, said Michael Swanson, senior economist for Wells Fargo. “We often get buried in a micro view of our world … and then we get blind-sided by some other trend that Read More →
Bigger global effort needed to thwart ISIS terrorism
What a difference a year makes in the fight against terrorism. Fifteen months ago, the world witnessed an assault on freedom of the press when terrorists allied with ISIS attacked and murdered journalists from Charlie Hebdo, the satirical French magazine. As millions of people mourned the 11 victims, some wondered if the magazine itself had Read More →
Tacky chamber move sets a bad example
When we launched the Pacific Coast Business Times 16 years ago, one of our core values was to respect existing business organizations. That’s why we went the extra step and joined chambers of commerce from the Conejo Valley to San Luis Obispo. We continue to support our chambers and last year we became a media Read More →
Change bankers’ incentives to get big
By Bill Watkins In popular culture, there are “good” industries and “evil” industries. Oil has held the most hated position of the evil list for generations and is likely to hold it until there is no more oil. Farming, once solidly on the good list, is moving to the evil list because its critics Read More →
Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County gets 3,000-acre gift
The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County finalized the largest conservation easement gift in its 32-year history March 24. The 3,000-acre expanse at Eagle Ranch in Atascadero is preserved from development after a 10-year process between Eagle Ranch, LLC and the land conservancy. Representatives from both groups and local dignitaries celebrated the agreement at Read More →