Here’s how to navigate stock market meltdown
Markets are quirky things. They sail along for a while and then wham, turbulence arrives. Twice in the past six months we’ve seen two market meltdowns — the latest put the U.S. indices deep into correction territory. My own takeaway is that we are not in the middle of a full-blown financial crisis; there’s been Read More →
UI fund deficit requires multipronged approach
While California’s political class is salivating over the thought of tax windfalls and a spending spree, the state’s employers are coughing up $1.7 billion in payroll taxes this month to put a small patch over the state’s insolvent unemployment fund. That enormous haul was enough to close just a fraction of the $8 billion the Read More →
Apprenticeship programs give employers competitive advantage
Something old is new again. Apprenticeships, an ideal means to train future workers, have been around for centuries throughout the world. A formal statewide apprenticeship system was created in California back in 1939. Yet today, apprenticeships do not readily come to mind as people plan for careers or employers look for skilled workers. That mindset Read More →
Expand public-private partnerships to increase affordable housing
More than 1.5 million low-income California renters spend more than half their income on housing, according to a recent Center on Budget and Policy Priorities report. That’s up 28 percent since the housing market crash. There is a role for federal and local policy in trying to address this issue, but we cannot hope to Read More →
Amgen drug Kyprolis gets another FDA approval
Amgen scored another victory for its breakthrough multiple myeloma drug on Jan. 21. The Thousand Oaks-based biotech giant hit it big when the Food and Drug Administration approved revolutionary multiple myeloma drug Kyprolis for treatments with Kyprolis in combination with another drug. The FDA also approved Kyprolis to treat patients on its own for those Read More →