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Scolaro: Coronavirus forces leaders to get creative

By   /  Friday, March 27th, 2020  /  Central Coast, Health Care & Life Science, Latest news, Op/Eds, Small Business, Women Inc.  /  Comments Off on Scolaro: Coronavirus forces leaders to get creative

By Sierra Scolaro When I founded Wayve with a mission to provide the world with easy access to clean water, there was no way I could predict what lay ahead. Some days you feel on top of it all, when the pieces fall into place and the path to success is a freshly-paved road lined Read More →


Leonard: How coronavirus impacts construction

By   /  Friday, March 27th, 2020  /  Columns, Health Care & Life Science, Latest news  /  Comments Off on Leonard: How coronavirus impacts construction

By Sean Leonard The coronavirus is impacting all of our daily lives in ways we would not have imagined 60 days ago. The situation is fluid as each day brings new understanding and changing public policy. The potential impacts to the construction industry are wide reaching. Consequences on a project site can include shelter-in-place directives Read More →


Our view: COVID-19 is spreading but difficult to forecast

By   /  Friday, March 27th, 2020  /  Editorials, Health Care & Life Science, Latest news, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Our view: COVID-19 is spreading but difficult to forecast

After watching the slow but steadily increasing number of COVID-19 cases in the Tri-Counties, we are left with a single question: Is San Luis Obispo County an emerging hot spot for coronavirus or is it a harbinger of things to come? As coronavirus numbers have risen past the 100 mark across the region, SLO County Read More →


Small businesses forced to adapt to COVID-19 outbreak

By   /  Friday, March 27th, 2020  /  Central Coast, Health Care & Life Science, Latest news, Nonprofits, Small Business, South Coast, West Ventura County  /  Comments Off on Small businesses forced to adapt to COVID-19 outbreak

Small businesses on the Central Coast are finding ways to adapt to sweeping new coronavirus restrictions, staying connected to customers even as they keep them at arm’s length. Whether it’s through online orders and curbside pickup or careful limits to the number of customers in a store, business owners are changing the way their products Read More →


Tri-county planning group helps companies pivot during pandemic

By   /  Friday, March 27th, 2020  /  Central Coast, Health Care & Life Science, Latest news, Nonprofits, Small Business, Startups, Technology  /  Comments Off on Tri-county planning group helps companies pivot during pandemic

Long-term economic planning has taken a backseat to coronavirus mitigation measures, as business and economic development leaders have pivoted to meet immediate emergency needs. For the newly renamed REACH 2030, formerly known as the Hourglass Project, that’s meant marshalling public-private partnerships to source and distribute N95 masks, sanitizer and other resources, often tapping companies that Read More →


Dubroff: Predicting the impact of coronavirus on the economy

By   /  Friday, March 27th, 2020  /  Columns, Latest news, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on Dubroff: Predicting the impact of coronavirus on the economy

Henry Dubroff

One thing is clear about the coronavirus pandemic — it is moving so fast moving that it is an almost perfect made-for-Twitter event. News updates come so frequently that it is a 24/7 phenomenon. But that speed sometimes makes for a poor framework for decision-making and, as Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman told me in a Read More →


Race on for medical supplies and overflow sites

By   /  Friday, March 27th, 2020  /  Health Care & Life Science, Latest news  /  Comments Off on Race on for medical supplies and overflow sites

To prepare for what tri-county public health officials expect to be an overwhelming number of coronavirus cases, counties, hospitals and health care systems have been making plans and gathering all of the supplies they can get their hands on while they can. The counties have been trying to coordinate care for the hospital systems as Read More →