By Henry Dubroff / Friday, November 30th, 2012 / Columns, Opinion / Comments Off on Middle-class retailers are being squeezed out of the shopping scene
A pre-holiday walk up and down State Street in Santa Barbara gives a pretty good cross section of what’s happening in retail stores across the nation.
By Marlize van Romburgh / Friday, November 30th, 2012 / Columns, Real Estate / Comments Off on With new owners, Chapala One and La Entrada look to finish line
Rosenfeld’s $30 million bet on downtown Santa Barbara seems to count on three things.
On Nov. 5, Thousand Oaks-based Amgen argued a case before the U.S. Supreme Court that could make it much harder for shareholders to form a class when suing a company for making misleading statements that distort its stock price. The outcome, which is likely to be decided by the politics of the individual justices, could Read More →