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Bio-tech turnaround pays dividend for area economy

By   /  Friday, August 1st, 2008  /  Columns  /  Comments Off on Bio-tech turnaround pays dividend for area economy

During the past year, Ventura County, the Conejo Valley and the economic health of the entire region has been closely tied to the fate of two troubled companies – Countrywide Financial Corp. and Amgen. After 12 months of financial torture, the future of these two companies suddenly is getting a lot clearer. After a near Read More →


South Coast welcomes new brokerage, old names

By   /  Friday, August 1st, 2008  /  Columns  /  Comments Off on South Coast welcomes new brokerage, old names

Two of the biggest players in the South Coast commercial real estate industry have switched teams. Stephen Leider and Clarice Cornell Clarke, now shareholders of Lee & Associates commercial real estate, will launch a Santa Barbara office for the national real estate brokerage on Aug. 1. Leider was a founding partner of Leider Hayes Commercial Read More →


Spirit award winners make key social contributions

By   /  Friday, July 25th, 2008  /  Columns  /  Comments Off on Spirit award winners make key social contributions

When Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus of Grameen Bank spoke in Santa Barbara earlier this spring, I must confess I was puzzled about his message. He talked about turning traditional banking upside down and creating a new form of business, a so-called “social business” that did not exist just to make a profit. But the Read More →


Schwarzenegger buys time while California builders raise dough

By   /  Friday, July 25th, 2008  /  Columns  /  Comments Off on Schwarzenegger buys time while California builders raise dough

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed legislation July 15 extending the expiration for subdivision maps, giving developers a chance to wait for the housing slump to pick up before embarking on major projects. The struggling residential market, the governor’s office reported, is making it tough for builders to secure financing. In an effort to save developers from Read More →


Banks playing it safe in real estate lending

By   /  Friday, July 18th, 2008  /  Columns  /  Comments Off on Banks playing it safe in real estate lending

Steer clear of speculation. That’s the name of the game for banks involved with commercial real estate lending in today’s market Kenneth Jacobsen, vice president and the newly appointed Santa Barbara and Ventura county market manager for Rabobank, N.A., said his company is “being selective and cautious” about the deals it is making right now, Read More →


Wine storage taken seriously at Goleta facility

By   /  Friday, July 18th, 2008  /  Columns  /  Comments Off on Wine storage taken seriously at Goleta facility

To do business with Trudi Carey, a visitor has to provide a thumb print, credit card and government-issued ID. Then they will be under the watchful eye of surveillance cameras — after using their personal security code – as they enter the climate-, light- and humidity-controlled building.That’s how it’s done at Goleta-based Santa Barbara Cellars, Read More →


Lead, follow or get out of the way in the Tri-Counties

By   /  Friday, July 18th, 2008  /  Columns  /  Comments Off on Lead, follow or get out of the way in the Tri-Counties

Lee Iacocca famously said that when it comes to business, you either lead, follow or get out of the way. And in the Tri-Counties these days, there is plenty of evidence that the former Chrysler executive had it just about right. In the lead category, put down Community Memorial Hospital, or CMH, in Ventura. This Read More →