New bids to replace Puente Power Project likely to be smaller

A new round of bids for a replacement for the now-shelved Puente Power Project will likely save consumers money, according to an influential state senator representing Ventura County. Sen. Henry Stern, a Democrat whose district includes Simi Valley and Thousand Oaks, told a panel at the 47th annual Ventura County Economic Development Association outlook conference Read More →
Energy commission committee opposes Puente Power Project

Story updated at 1:20 p.m. Oct. 6: A California Energy Commission committee assigned to evaluate the Puente Power Project announced Oct. 5 that the project did not meet regulatory standards and it would not recommend approval. The preliminary opinion was not an actionable decision, but came in response to a letter sent Sept. 29 by Read More →
SimpliPhi Power to provide off-grid energy storage system in New Zealand

Ojai-based SimpliPhi Power announced Oct. 3 that it had contracted with electricity distributor Powerco to build an off-grid renewable energy storage system called Base Power in New Zealand. The system provides supplemental or alternative energy to areas where upgrades to the network were not deemed to be cost effective. After initial trials, Powerco ordered 20 Read More →
Cal Poly SLO contracts with REC Solar for solar farm project

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo announced the launch of a 4.5 megawatt solar farm project Oct. 3 that will provide around a quarter of its total electricity usage. The university has contracted with REC Solar to finance construction and maintenance through a power purchase agreement. Construction began in late September and is expected to be Read More →
Puente alternatives cheaper than gas power plant

By Carmen Ramirez and Craig Lewis Renewable energy alternatives are technically and economically superior to the proposed gas Puente Power Project in Oxnard. The Ventura County Taxpayers Association’s guest commentary supporting the Puente gas plant in the Sept. 8 issue of the Business Times contained inaccurate and misleading information. It’s true that a recent California Read More →