Investor wants Deckers Brands to consider sale
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Investment firm asks Deckers Brands to explore sale
An investment firm that owns a 3.3 percent stake in Deckers Brands wants the Goleta-based shoe company to explore options for seeking a sale or merger. In a letter dated March 27, Santa Monica-based Red Mountain Capital Partners said it was concerned about the “persistent underperformance” of Deckers’ stock. Red Mountain managing partners Willem Mesdag Read More →
Clean Diesel Technologies reports $23.5 million net loss
Clean Diesel Technologies reported a $23.5 million net loss March 31, equal to $3.84 per share, for its fiscal year 2016, on revenues of $36.8 million, down 7 percent from $39.7 million in 2015. Fourth quarter revenues for the Oxnard maker of vehicle products fell from $9.7 million in 2015 to $8.6 million in 2016, Read More →
Goleta-based Resonant reports net losses grew in 2016
Net losses widened in 2016 for mobile device filter designer Resonant, based in Goleta, from $9.72 million in 2015 to $15.25 million, the company announced March 30. Resonant brought in $302,000 in revenues for the year, compared to none in 2015, but total operating expenses grew 60 percent year-over-year to $15.59 million. Net losses per Read More →
MindBody acquires dynamic pricing technology company
Business management software company MindBody, based in San Luis Obispo, announced March 29 that it had acquired early-stage Southern California yield management company Lymber Wellness. Lymber uses MindBody’s application program interface platform to support adjustable pricing strategies for wellness-based businesses. The technology changes the prices for classes and appointments based on availability, similar to dynamic Read More →
Limoneira shareholders approve request to increase number of shares
Limoneira shareholders approved a board of directors request to increase its number of authorized shares March 28, but the company has no plans to issue additional stock this year, said CEO Harold Edwards. More than 100 shareholders gathered at the Ventura County Agriculture Museum in Santa Paula for the annual meeting to confirm three new Read More →