Childcare options are crucial for post-COVID workforce

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Businessman Sandy Smith, beloved former Ventura mayor, dies at 72
Business and politics in the City of Ventura won’t be quite the same without the outsized presence of Sandy Smith, who died on July 15 after battling cancer for the past several years. For the official record, Smith was elected to Ventura City Council in 1997 and he served until 2005, including two years in Read More →

Dubroff: As fed pauses, Latino workforce bolsters soft landing scenario

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Ronald Reagan Foundation forms new nonpartisan center focused on civility in politics
Frederick J. Ryan, publisher of The Washington Post, is stepping down to lead the formation of a new center on civility in politics at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation in Simi Valley. Ryan, who had led the Post for the past nine years, is a veteran publisher who was co-founder of Politico. He also was Read More →

Reach focuses on Vandenberg partnerships
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