Damooei: Poverty is a lethal human-made disease
By Jamshid Damooei What makes us human is an important question, and the answer is not always clear. If life is a microcosm of our natural world, what place does our way of life hold and where does economics appear on the scene? I have been wrestling with this question for a big part of Read More →
Tri-county rural areas lack internet access they need during shutdown
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CLU economists say short lockdown key to small business survival
A new report from the Center for Economic Research & Forecasting at California Lutheran University underscores the ferocity of the debate around re-opening the economy. CERF forecasters Matthew Fienup and Dan Hamilton now project a stunning, nearly 20 percent drop in GDP and Great Depression levels of job losses, followed by a long, slow U-shaped Read More →
Chien: Now might be time for a small business loan
By Chia-Li Chien Many states, including California, identified a list of critical sectors to remain operational during the COVID-19 crisis. The rest of us need to work from home or close our businesses until further notice. The stock market reacts to the uncertainty in this public health crisis volatilely. The ripple effect causes the federal Read More →
Cal Poly Technology Park gets $6.7 million grant
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