By Stephen Nellis / Friday, September 14th, 2012 / Columns, Law & Goverment / Comments Off on Santa Barbara attorney works to build water-tight case for Cadiz
Scott Slater might credibly be crowned king of California’s water lawyers.
State officials have chopped plans for a new criminal courthouse in Santa Barbara from three stories to two and slashed its square footage by one-third in the face of budget cuts. Instead of constructing a new building, the existing Figueroa Street structure will used as the basis for an expansion. The new courthouse slated for Read More →
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By Julian Moore on August 24, 2012 A Santa Barbara company that produces lavish luxury and collectible car shows has suspended its event schedule amid a financial shortfall and turmoil in its executive suite. Stratus Media Group, the luxury car show and fight promoter that owns the event, has sacked its CEO and given him Read More →
By Stephen Nellis / Friday, August 10th, 2012 / Columns, Law & Goverment / Comments Off on Retiring Teledyne counsel reflects on a decade of transition
The legal guard is changing at Teledyne Technologies.
By Julian Moore, Special to the Business Times, on July 27, 2012 In August, stock sales by members of Congress and thousands of federal employees will get new scrutiny under the STOCK Act, a law passed in April to combat insider trading among government officials. But a Business Times examination of the timing of the Read More →
By Stephen Nellis / Friday, July 13th, 2012 / Columns, Law & Goverment / Comments Off on Oil attorney joins Westlake Village firm as fracking debate heats up
K. Eric Adair is a veteran litigator with more than two decades of experience in federal and California courts, mostly in the environmental space.