Brown signs bill to streamline CEQA process
Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill that aims to expedite and add more transparency to environmental reviews. Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson, D-Santa Barbara, authored Senate Bill 122 along with Sen. Jerry Hill, D-San Mateo, which strives to streamline the California Environmental Quality Act process. CEQA requires state and local agencies to identify significant environmental impacts of Read More →
Make sure you know how the deed to your marital home lists the title
By Lisa Spiwak When a married couple goes to the escrow office to sign the documents to their new home, they are thinking about many things. Their minds are swirling with thoughts of the mortgage payment, furniture placement, the moving company, landscaping, area schools, etc. The last thing they are thinking about is how the Read More →
Overtime pay for ag workers will hurt tri-county growers
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Newbury Park man gets 5 years in prison for elder scam
A Newbury Park man was sentenced to five years in state prison on Sept. 9 for his role in an investment scheme targeting elders. Rod Hormell was a financial adviser. In May, the 59-year-old pleaded guilty to felony violations of theft from an elder and fraudulent sale of securities, admitting to stealing more than $100,000. Read More →
Parties in negotiations to settle Sientra lawsuit
Parties in one of the two lawsuits facing embattled breast implant manufacturer Sientra are in negotiations to settle the case. Documents dated Sept. 2 state three plaintiffs including the Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System are negotiating a settlement with Goleta-based Sientra in a lawsuit in state court in San Mateo. At an Aug. 23 Read More →