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Sierra Vista faces rare punitive damages claim

By   /  Friday, January 17th, 2014  /  Health Care & Life Science, Law & Goverment, Top Stories  /  Comments Off on Sierra Vista faces rare punitive damages claim

In a case headed to trial later this month in San Luis Obispo, a jury will decide whether Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center and an affiliated surgeon conspired to conceal the true cause of a patient’s death.


Ty Warner avoids prison time for tax evasion

By   /  Tuesday, January 14th, 2014  /  Latest news, Law & Goverment, South Coast, Top Stories, Tourism  /  Comments Off on Ty Warner avoids prison time for tax evasion

Toy magnate and Santa Barbara hotelier Ty Warner has avoided prison time, instead landing probation and community service at a Jan. 14 court hearing in Chicago.


Cohen, Cohen and Begun’s move to JDTP could spark growth

By   /  Friday, January 10th, 2014  /  Columns, Law & Goverment  /  Comments Off on Cohen, Cohen and Begun’s move to JDTP could spark growth

Three of Ventura County’s best-known development attorneys have found a new home and are looking to expand up the coast.


Diesel seeks $5.5M from defunct GBMI

By   /  Friday, December 20th, 2013  /  Law & Goverment, South Coast, Top Stories  /  Comments Off on Diesel seeks $5.5M from defunct GBMI

Italian fashion firm Diesel is hoping to enforce a $5.5 million judgment against Global Brand Marketing Inc., the Santa Barbara-based footwear firm led by Killick Datta that was worth $500 million at its peak.


Attorney found passion for environmental law in Antarctica

By   /  Friday, December 13th, 2013  /  Columns, Law & Goverment  /  Comments Off on Attorney found passion for environmental law in Antarctica

Kristin Larson took the long route to the law and back to the Tri-Counties. Larson, who specializes in combing over deals for potential environmental law issues, spent a decade in Antarctica as a research scientist before heading off to law school and a career in M&A law.


Judge tosses patent in FindTheBest case

By   /  Monday, December 2nd, 2013  /  Latest news, Law & Goverment, Technology  /  Comments Off on Judge tosses patent in FindTheBest case

Summerland-based FindTheBest has secured a court victory in a patent lawsuit. A federal court in New York ruled on Nov. 22 that a patent held by Delaware-based Lumen View Technology was invalid. Lumen View, which does not produce products or services based on the patent, had sued FindTheBest alleging infringement.


Appellate attorneys lend eye for legal issues to trial lawyers

By   /  Friday, November 8th, 2013  /  Columns, Law & Goverment, Top Stories  /  Comments Off on Appellate attorneys lend eye for legal issues to trial lawyers

Let’s face it: Sometimes you lose. And sometimes, it’s really not your fault. Judges and juries are only human and can misapply the law to the facts. That’s where appellate attorneys come in. The region has a number of bar-certified appellate law specialists who work closely with trial attorneys on whether and how an appeal can be pursued.