Guest commentary: Moving toward more ethical and meaningful talent management
By Vlad Vaiman During a recent earnings call, Bernard Arnault, CEO of LVMH, created a stir by referring to layoffs at Tiffany & Co. as “promoting outwards.” The expression used by Arnault closely parallels Mark Zuckerberg’s terminology at Meta and highlights a dangerous leadership trend that treats workers as disposable resources instead of acknowledging their Read More →
Our view: Welcome back, VCEDA
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Our view: SB County supervisors draw questions over 48% hike in pay
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Guest commentary: Addressing employer hesitancy in hiring recent college graduates
By Vlad Vaiman The transition from college life to professional work remains difficult for many, with current trends showing increased employer reluctance to hire recent graduates. The 2024 survey from discovered that about 17% of companies hesitate to employ Gen Z graduates, mostly due to their alleged lack of readiness and traits like perceived entitlement and Read More →
Our view: Camarillo Airport soars in delivering fire support
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Guest commentary: A major development for the futures of children fighting cancer
By Frank & Calli Kalman Among the most devastating consequences of childhood cancer is the loss of future fertility. If they survive, the high levels of chemotherapy needed to save young lives often make it impossible for survivors to have children of their own. As parents of a child who has been fighting cancer for Read More →
Our view: Economy on high note despite rising inflation
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