Our view: Amgen’s generous gift keeps KidSTREAM’s goal in sight
KidSTREAM, the children’s museum housed in a former library building that is one of Ventura County’s architectural gems, has taken a huge step toward opening next year. On May 22, the Camarillo nonprofit announced a transformative, $2 million gift from Amgen and the Amgen Foundation, one that will put it within striking distance of its Read More →
Our view: Caruso’s master class has lessons for State Street
Everyone who’s had a taste of the entrepreneurial life knows that it’s not just the deals you make but also the deals you don’t make that are the hallmarks of success. So when Rick Caruso, arguably the most successful developer in Los Angeles in recent decades, took the state at the UCSB Economic Forecast event Read More →
Our view: Dick Fausset’s legacy is a better community
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Our view: Small Business Week highlights SLO exporter
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Our view: Marine Sanctuary accord advances offshore wind
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Our view: Housing crisis debate focused on solutions
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Our view: Leaving behind a strong legacy of helping others
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