Editorial: Capps puts spotlight on Isla Vista murders
More movement on local governance issues, more answers and a better approach managing mental health and gun ownership would be welcome developments.
Editorial: Standing up for freedom, in France and Hollywood
As an independent media company, we applaud the way that journalists, the entertainment industry and the public have rallied to the cause of a free society. We are proud to say, “Je Suis Charlie.”
Happy birthday, Carpinteria
Carpinteria celebrates its 50th anniversary this year with a banquet that includes a special “golden jubilee” beer produced by homegrown brewer Paul Wright of Island Brewing Co.
Editorial: Gov. Brown is right about higher ed costs
The legislature needs to fund our flagship Cal Poly and allow measured expansion to 15,000 students at our emerging leader, CSUCI, in a manner fair to taxpayers and students.
Editorial: Edison shouldn’t leave businesses in the dark
Edison has been talking for years about the need to balance electrical loads in the West Ventura County-South Santa Barbara County corridor, but the company is taking its time.
Editorial: Congress should approve Fast Track
A rare chance for a show of bi-partisanship in Washington could have tremendous benefits to the tri-counties economy.