Editorial: Thanks, but we’ll stay in California
Oh no, not L.A. Reports that a proposed initiative to split California into six states might make the ballot in 2016 has our blood boiling. That’s because the author of the cockamamie scheme, Bay Area venture capitalist Tim Draper, insists on lumping Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties together with Los Angeles County Read More →
Editorial: Influx of minors pushes immigration reform to top of agenda
Housing undocumented children can not be a long-term mission for Naval Base Ventura County, which has national-defense priorities to focus on.
Editorial: Rethinking agreement between port and city makes sense
Given the millions of dollars the port has spent to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, the potential for increased competition from ports on the East Coast and Gulf Coast via a widened Panama Canal and the changes that technology have wrought, it’s smart for the Oxnard Harbor District and the Port of Hueneme to figure out if there is a better way forward.
Editorial: Wine-tasting law would provide early taste of entrepreneurship for students
Working its way through the state legislature is a bill that would open the taps just a bit to allow under-aged viticulture students at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and other California campuses to sample a small amount of wine or craft beer that they’re producing for a class. The bill, officially known as AB Read More →
Editorial: $37.2M tagged for critical jobs training at region’s colleges
While its higher-education system remains far short of optimal funding, California’s improved budget prospects are creating niche opportunities aimed at vocational and technical training. A trio of projects, two from Ventura County and one from San Luis Obispo, are among the 39 winning proposals for a one-time $250 million competitive grant program offered through the Read More →
Editorial: Cantor defeat ripples through regional politics
A shock wave. That’s the way area political experts described the stunning defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, a Virginia Republican whose hopes to become the next Speaker were washed out to sea on June 10 in a primary loss to David Brat, a professor at Randolph-Macon College. For the region, Cantor’s loss will Read More →
Editorial: Incumbents hold their spots in regional races
With the June 3 primary results in, a few of the races we’ve been watching have been decided, a ballot measure has been rejected and November certainly looks more interesting than it did a week ago. Last week’s results in Santa Barbara County represented a victory for incumbent 2nd District Supervisor Janet Wolf and Sheriff Read More →