Editorial: Chamber chief ‘hatched’ Santa Maria recovery
Bob Hatch has the sort of practical wisdom that is very rare in today’s charged political environment. He has been increasingly frustrated at the no-growth politics of the county that seemed to stymie every effort to promote jobs and opportunity for the Santa Maria Valley.
Editorial: Ukrainian crisis illustrates power of the free market
The “markets matter” lesson should not be lost on some of the most left-leaning members of the Democratic party, who may find themselves on the wrong side of history when it comes to America’s resurgent energy markets.
Editorial: Housing affordability another issue in pension debate
Part of the drive for higher and higher public benefits stems from the fact that housing affordability in our coastal zones is a chronic problem.
Editorial: Common sense takes hold in Paso water debate
The solution lies in a bit of cooperation from the weather and the implementation of new technology to both measure supply and dramatically improve the management of demand for water. Some people don’t like these solutions because they mean accountability and almost certainly much higher costs for inefficient users.
Editorial: Partisan gridlock eases on Obamacare and immigration
Movement on immigration reform and fixing the Affordable Care Act are perhaps the political version of the “green shoots” that former Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke talked about in the early stages of economic recovery.